My own pattern! It came together using the teal, green, peach and yellow strips from a jellyroll, when I was ironing the strips, I sorted out the tropical colours. I managed to get it to a baby/pet quilt by adding a.border and extra white fabric. It is approx 43.5 inches by 49.5 inches.
Yellow tile border, white with rainbow polka dot cut into strips, label, backing: Art Gallery Fabric poplin. The daisy print I purchased 2ndhand new.
Moda jellyroll Love Lily purchased on sale, binding is the peach Moda print from the same range also on sale. I cut 2.5 inch double fold binding, I usually cut 2.25 inch but I thought wider would look cute
Wadding: Soft & Bright polyester. Quilting: serpentine stitch in Superior Thread in cream, I use Gutermann thread for my labels.
Wadding: Soft&Bright
I had to cut 6 strips from white print yardage. I cut the strips in half and strip piece into 3, for a nine patch colour coordinated checkerboard.